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"e-Anudeshan" is designed to provide election staff with the necessary knowledge and skills to conduct fair, transparent, and efficient elections. It aims to empower election workers with comprehensive training modules covering various aspects of electoral processes.

The training modules cover a wide range of topics relevant to election administration, including voter registration procedures, ballot handling, election day protocols, handling irregularities, and more. The content is designed to equip election staff with the knowledge and skills necessary to perform their duties effectively.

election staff training is offered free of charge to ensure widespread access and participation.

Yes, participants who successfully complete the training modules typically receive a certificate of completion. This certificate serves as recognition of their dedication to electoral integrity.

Access to the training materials is typically provided through the training website, which may require users to create an account or log in with credentials provided by the election authority. Once logged in, users can navigate through the training modules and resources at their own pace.